Sugar Industry

PC Pumps


Even if from sugar cane or sugar beetroot, the production of sugar is an exceptionally tough procedure as the pulp-laden juice gets condensed and converted to molasses as well as is treated with a warm water stream to extract sugar. ISPI Pumps are developed to quickly manage hard to move very viscous media like molasses, syrup liquefy, magma, mud, massecuite, and so on

ISPI Positive displacement pumps have been utilized in the sugar industry and appropriate for use with viscous liquids as they are able to execute over long piped distances and also with high pressure. These characteristics are mixed with remarkable dependability as well as high performance. ISPI Pumps has comprehensive experience in the manufacture of positive displacement Pumps.

Application Areas

Sulphited Sugar Juice





Phospheric Acid

Milk Of Lime

Flocculant Dosing

Effuluent Sludge